You think getting here was fun?
You think getting here was easy?
You think my life is easy now?
It was not.
And it is not.
Moving to another country and building a new life for myself was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And still is. It has brought me my lowest moments and my bitterest tears – for days,
that turned into weeks,
that turned into months,
that turned into years.
And it still isn’t always fun or easy living in a country that’s not my own. Feeling like the different one all the time. The inevitability of being the outsider. The trouble of understanding. The nuances of things.
Why is everyone laughing?
Equally, remote working isn’t nearly as fun or easy as you imagine it to be either. Everyone who does it will agree. It’s only fun when you finally learn how to do it well – like running. In the beginning it’s just a struggle. You’re out of breath all the time. Your heart rate is skyrocketing. Your whole body screams stop. You need a break. Wait, please, I need to catch my breath.
Remote working is like running because it only becomes fun when you train consistently, do it wrong, fall, get back up, injure yourself, recover, start over, build anew. It’s like running because it only becomes fun when you don’t give up.
Moving to another country and building a new life for yourself is not something you just do, not something that is easy, or instantly fun.
It’s hard work.
You entire dream life is hard work.
However, one day the tables turn. And you’ll start to see the value of the hard work, the pay-off, the infinite amount of possibilities you have and how you can choose and create and decide and change and grow in whichever way your soul wants.
The hard work never becomes easy, but it does become fun.